Tickets now available: EBU conference 2022: "Buddhism in Europe: Unity in Diversity"
Event info
  • DATE
    From 22/04/22
    to 24/04/22
  • TIME
    From 4:30 pm
    to 1:00 pm
    Center for Spiritual Friendship Buddhism, Reiyukai

Wars, disharmony and all sorts of hardships in our lives appear because our minds are not aligned with the Dharma and we fail to realize that there is unity in diversity. This conference wants to shed light on how, at this point in time, we can best proceed as individual human beings, as a society and as Buddhists.

Speakers and their topics:

Dharmavidya David Brazier

This talk will highlight the need for Buddhism to demonstrate harmony and cooperation and thereby manifest a message with relevance to a world that is full of conflicts.

Claudine Carayol-Shinoda

The diversity of Buddhist schools and traditions is an opportunity for human beings to encounter, through the tradition that inspires them, the Dharma with its unique flavor. The talk will focus on the awareness of the interdependence, uniqueness and diversity of all existence, and the potential for all beings to awaken to their essential Buddha nature.

Dharmacharini Vassika

The teachings and practices from our Sangha derive from the whole Buddhist tradition and the central unifying factor is our going for refuge to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. This talk will explore this and how it manifests in a life dedicated to the Dharma.

Lama Shenpen Rinpoche

This talk will emphasize our need to understand the causality of phenomena so that we do not fear them, so that we do not generate hatred towards others, so that we do not create more causes of suffering for ourselves and others.

Lama Ngawang Dorje Dondrub

As social beings, relationships with others are important to us. Hence, the state of these relationships determines our own wellbeing. This talk will explain that dependence, independence and interdependence are three phases through which we pass, generating certain tensions internally and with others.

Ricardo Guerrero

This talk is a presentation of the Great Buddha Project of the Lumbini Garden Foundation. It will explain the nature of this unique project in the West, of promoting an inclusive Buddhism.


Friday, April 22nd

6:30 pm - Welcome ceremony

Saturday, April 23rd

8:30 am - Meditation

9:30 am - Welcome session: Short talks Reiyukai representatives

10:00 am - David Brazier

10:30 am - Sharing group 1

11:30 am - break

12:00 am - Lama Dondrup

12:30 pm - 3 parallel workshops

01:30 pm - lunch

02:30 pm - Vassika Dharmacharini

03:00 pm - 3 parallel workshops

04:00 pm - break

04:30 pm - Ricardo Guerrero

05:00 pm - Sharing group 2

06:00 pm - Day closure

Sunday, April 24th

09:00 am - Meditation

10:00 am - Shenpen Rinpoche

10:30 am - 3 parallel workshops

11:30 am - Claudine Carayol

12:00 am - Break

12:30 pm - Panel discussion

13:30 pm - Lunch

15:30 pm - Conference closure

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