Kunpen Lama Gangchen

Founded in Milan, Italy in 1989 by the Tibetan master H.E. Drubwang Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, Kunpen Lama Gangchen ​is a Buddhist organisation, part of the Gelugpa tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, following the ​NgalSo Ganden Nyengyu​ lineage.

It has been a member of the ​Italian Buddhist Union since 1990 and a Buddhist Religious Organisation with legal status recognised by the Italian Government since 2016.

It aims to share the Buddhadharma and create the conditions for the spiritual practice to anyone without discrimination. Especially it holds and spreads the Dharma as thought by H.E. Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche in the NgalSo Lineage.

Since its foundation, Kunpen Lama Gangchen has had the great honour to receive many great Buddhist Masters from different traditions, who have given Dharma teachings, transmissions, empowerments, vows, blessings and lead guided meditation retreats.

As H.E. Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche always gave great importance to interreligious dialogue, Kunpen Lama Gangchen has always been active in such dialogue and in 2005 became one of the founding members of the ​Religious Forum of Milan (Forum delle Religioni di Milano)​.

As a Dharma Centre, Kunpen Lama Gangchen has two main seats: the original Centre in the city of Milan and a residential Centre in the small village of Albagnano, overlooking Lake Maggiore near Switzerland.

With Lamas, Geshes, Monks and senior practitioners’ constant presence, it offers the possibility to learn and practice the Dharma with teachings, guided meditations, empowerments, transmissions, pujas and retreats. Practitioners are guided from the introduction to Buddhism to more in-depth and complex teachings and practice on Sutra and Tantra.

As H.E. Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche came from an ancient lineage of Lama Healers, since the beginning, special attention has always been given to the healing of body and mind through the ​spiritual medicine o​ f Dharma.

Presently, Lama Michel Tulku Rinpoche, the heart son of H.E. Drubwang Gangchen Rinpoche, is the Spiritual Guide of Kunpen Lama Gangchen and all the centres and organizations of the NgalSo Lineage.

Kunpen Lama Gangchen is also the ​Mother Centre, ​playing a coordinating role in the activities of the centres and international organisations founded by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche, including:

Lama Gangchen World Peace Foundation​, a non-governmental organisation affiliated with the United Nations;
Help in Action​, a Foundation offering long-distance adoptions and humanitarian aid projects in the Himalayan region;
Lama Gangchen Peace Publications publishing house;
Lama Gangchen United Peace Voices​ Music Editions;
Fondazione Lama Gangchen per un Cultura di pace (Lama Gangchen Peace
Culture Foundation); and many other ​centres​ worldwide: ​ngalso.org/ngalso-worldwide/

Kunpen Lama Gangchen
Milan Centre
Via Marco Polo, 13
20124 Milan

Albagnano Centre
Via Campo dell’Eva, 5
28813 Albagnano di Bee, Verbania
+39 0323 56 9601


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