Dear friends,
it looks as if we will be able to travel again soon, and that we will be able to come to Pomaia in Italy to meet again, finally, for our Annual General Meeting from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 September 2021. This is our invitation to come and attend!
For those of you who missed out last year, this is your chance to visit the Istituto Lama Tzong Khapa. We thank them for inviting us again this year! You can register now using the following link:
registration link and you can start making your travel plans and bookings.
There is lot of info and docs to be studied, so we are sending them now in order for you to have enough time to prepare and ask questions if you have any.
A number of links are provided here to find the relevant docs in different folders:
Last year’s minutes
Membership applications
Plans and projects
It may help if you have a Google account, have access to Google Drive, and/or use the ‘Backup and Sync’ app. You will be able to download and read the docs anyway.
You will receive more info and the full AGM schedule at a later time. Please let us know you are coming by using the registration link!
With warm wishes,
the EBU Council
represent Buddhists on an European level