Dear friends of the EBU,
the Committee for Interreligious and Interconvictional Dialogue organises a Webinar on "The fundamental importance of education for interreligious & Interconvictional dialogue" on Monday 27 March 2023 at 17:00 via zoom.
The webinar aims to focus on the fundamental importance and role of education in the many forms of interreligious and Interconvictional dialogue groups that already exist in cities and communities.
Despite all the remarkable efforts, one cannot help but notice that the desired expanded and tolerant communication skills do not necessarily lead to an improved and balanced understanding of the Other. Which educational and training aspects need to be focused on in order to lead to a more understanding, tolerant, balanced and respectful coexistence of the involved religions and convictions?
Nevertheless, in all religions and world views, behaviours and basic attitudes are based on values. Values are generally not purely abstract concepts, but are closely connected with emotions that are extensive and very complex. To recognise and understand them in the other is facilitated by education - but not alone.
The webinar will explore the question of how effective education and training are in helping people to understand each other's values and attitudes, and the emotions that are connected to them. It is essential to find and show new ways to empower existing religious and Interconvictional dialogue groups, to turn their attention to the importance and role of education - formal and informal - and to make it more inclusive and thought-provoking. Education is elementary in reducing the perception of otherness and enable social cohesion.
With the participation of INGOs: Mind with Heart, EMOUNA, LOGOÏ and others.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
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