In this episode, we sit down with Ven. Clementia Will to explore what it truly means to lead a contemplative life. We delve into the importance of turning inward and listening to your inner world, and discuss ways to integrate this valuable mindset into daily living. Residing in the beautiful Black Forest, Ven. Clementia Will practices in the Tradition of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives (member of the EBU), making her an insightful guest for these profound questions.
The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives (OBC) consists of female and male ordained monks – as well as lay ministers.
The OBC is active in the US, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and Latvia. In addition to our two large monasteries in the US and England, and to the many temples and priories that have been founded, many meditation groups and lay communities have also formed over the decades.
The male and female monks in our order are fully equal, and are recognized equally. All have taken celibacy vows, and most of them live together in mixed monastic communities, either in our two large monasteries or in the smaller temples.
The heart and foundation of the practice in our order is Serene Reflection Meditation. A very important aspect of our training is also our effort to keep and act in accord with the Buddhist Precepts.
At the very core of the teaching and practice in our tradition is the recognition that all beings possess the Buddha-Nature, which gives rise to thinking and acting with compassion, to selfless giving, and to gratitude.
OBC International:
Dharmazuflucht Schwarzwald:

In 2008, the order's first full ordination in German-speaking countries took place in the "Dharma Refuge Black Forest": Michaela Will from Remshalden was ordained as a Buddhist nun and received the ordination name Houn Clementia from Venerable Fuden. In 2013, Venerable Clementia received the Dharma Transmission from Venerable Fuden, one of the most meaningful events in the lives of nuns and monks in this Buddhist tradition. In the meantime, Venerable Clementia has been appointed Dharma teacher in the order.

The "European Buddha podcast" inquires how the wisdom of buddhism is lived and practiced in the „West“. Every last Friday of the month, Emilia Raunio and Martin Landschein welcome guests from various traditions on different topics. See more
represent Buddhists on an European level